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Currency form

Denomination list on the currency form


Details of a denomination for a currency.

Field nameDescriptionNotes
NameThe name of the denominationTranslatable
Short NameShort name for the denominationTranslatable

Type of the denomination can be:

  • coin
  • banknote
  • coupon


Value of the denomination compared to 1 unit

Example: for 50 euro note the value is 50 as it is 50x 1 euro

Start DateThe date from which the denomination is in use
End DateThe date until the denomination was in use
CurrencyThe linked currency
SequenceFor listings it can be useful to set an ordering sequence other than the valueRecords are first sorted by currency, than by sequence
DescriptionAdditional information
Image FrontFront image of the denomination
Image BackBack image of the denomination


Currency are issued in series.

It is possible to record different images and notes for each series of the same denomination.

Field nameDescriptionNotes
NameThe name of the seriesTranslatable
Start DateThe date from which the series is in use
End DateThe date until the series was in use
CurrencyThe linked currency
DescriptionAdditional information
DenominationDenominations linked to the series